
Having grown up in the church, I’ve put an exceptional amount of pressure on myself to become someone great. Someone who does mighty things for the Kingdom of God. Someone who goes out and changes the world. Someone who knows their place in life, knows the gift they’ve been given and selflessly uses it to make a difference.

But my goodness. That’s an overwhelming responsibility. And while changing the world for the better is obviously the best life goal, for me it too often becomes a roadblock.

I’ve spent so much time over the last several years trying to figure out what I’m going to do for God. How am I going to make a difference? What if I miss my opportunity? What if there is something God wants me to do and I completely miss it? What if, with the best of intentions, I do the wrong thing and make a fool of myself?

And with all this wondering, all these “how in the world am I going to change the world” questions, I’ve done two things.

One. I’ve wasted time. Or you could say that the first thing I’ve done is nothing. Just as it’s tempting to believe nannying isn’t an important job because it seems so small in the grand scheme, it’s tempting to believe that doing something small for someone else isn’t going to make a difference in the grand scheme. What good is my tiny contribution when there’s so much anger and hate in the world? And so, far too often, rather than simply doing the little thing, I’ve done nothing.

Two. I’ve put all the pressure on myself. Convinced myself that I alone can change the universe. Me, in my own strength. It’s all coming down on my shoulders. And, believe it or not, I’m just not that strong. The very idea makes me anxious and the more I think about it the more I’m aware of all of my weaknesses. And I forget. I forget that it’s never been up to me. I’ve never been asked to do this alone. I forget that it’s not me, but Christ in me. I forget that “[His] strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

And I forget that it’s not about doing. It’s about being.

That at the end of the day it comes down to this: I was made for love.

Rather than spending so much time worrying about what or how I’m going to do, my focus should become who I am. Who I reflect. I was made in the image of Love Himself. My search for who I am or who I should be need not go any farther than that.

Be love.

It’s really that simple.

Be love.

That means respect yourself. Give yourself grace. Remember who you are and be real. Give yourself some credit sometimes and stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks about you.

Be love.

That means treat everyone with respect and kindness. Walk a mile in their shoes. Find the person beneath the first impression.

Be love.

Most importantly, that means pursue God. With everything you have. With everything you are. Run hard after Him. Because it’s from loving God – Love Himself – that everything else flows.IMG_0272

When you love someone, you spend time with them. When you spend time with them, you become like them. You talk the way they talk. You respond to situations the way they do.

If I want to make a real difference, what better way than to love God? What better way than to pursue Him? I pursue Him, I find Him. I find Him, I become like Him. And if I’m more like Him and less like myself, I’ll be gracious. Gentle. Kind. Thoughtful. Patient. I’ll remember that true greatness bends down low, it leaves its throne to serve the least of these. I’ll remember the golden rule and that everyone is my neighbor. I’ll remember to forgive those who’ve wronged me and to love my enemies.

One day at a time. Step after step after step. I’ll pursue my Jesus. And in my pursuit I will make the choice to live love. To be love.

And who knows? I might just change the world.

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One comment on “(be)Love
  1. Arlene LaLonde says:

    Dearest Colleen,
    The knowledge that we are love because He is love and resides in us makes us aware that yes in fact we can do all things through Him. The Spirit man is love and that is who we really are! Growing in awareness that we already have all of Him and his love just makes you want to shout with such joy!! Thanks, for putting your gift on paper to change the world! Love,Arlene

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